* @file
* JavaScript behaviors for the front-end display of webforms.
(function ($) {
"use strict";
Drupal.behaviors.webform = Drupal.behaviors.webform || {};
Drupal.behaviors.webform.attach = function (context) {
// Calendar datepicker behavior.
// Conditional logic.
if (Drupal.settings.webform && Drupal.settings.webform.conditionals) {
Drupal.webform = Drupal.webform || {};
Drupal.webform.datepicker = function (context) {
$('div.webform-datepicker').each(function () {
var $webformDatepicker = $(this);
var $calendar = $webformDatepicker.find('input.webform-calendar');
// Ensure the page we're on actually contains a datepicker.
if ($calendar.length == 0) {
var startDate = $calendar[0].className.replace(/.*webform-calendar-start-(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}).*/, '$1').split('-');
var endDate = $calendar[0].className.replace(/.*webform-calendar-end-(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}).*/, '$1').split('-');
var firstDay = $calendar[0].className.replace(/.*webform-calendar-day-(\d).*/, '$1');
// Convert date strings into actual Date objects.
startDate = new Date(startDate[0], startDate[1] - 1, startDate[2]);
endDate = new Date(endDate[0], endDate[1] - 1, endDate[2]);
// Ensure that start comes before end for datepicker.
if (startDate > endDate) {
var laterDate = startDate;
startDate = endDate;
endDate = laterDate;
var startYear = startDate.getFullYear();
var endYear = endDate.getFullYear();
// Set up the jQuery datepicker element.
dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
yearRange: startYear + ':' + endYear,
firstDay: parseInt(firstDay),
minDate: startDate,
maxDate: endDate,
onSelect: function (dateText, inst) {
var date = dateText.split('-');
$webformDatepicker.find('select.year, input.year').val(+date[0]).trigger('change');
beforeShow: function (input, inst) {
// Get the select list values.
var year = $webformDatepicker.find('select.year, input.year').val();
var month = $webformDatepicker.find('select.month').val();
var day = $webformDatepicker.find('select.day').val();
// If empty, default to the current year/month/day in the popup.
var today = new Date();
year = year ? year : today.getFullYear();
month = month ? month : today.getMonth() + 1;
day = day ? day : today.getDate();
// Make sure that the default year fits in the available options.
year = (year < startYear || year > endYear) ? startYear : year;
// jQuery UI Datepicker will read the input field and base its date
// off of that, even though in our case the input field is a button.
$(input).val(year + '-' + month + '-' + day);
// Prevent the calendar button from submitting the form.
$calendar.click(function (event) {
Drupal.webform.conditional = function (context) {
// Add the bindings to each webform on the page.
$.each(Drupal.settings.webform.conditionals, function (formKey, settings) {
var $form = $('.' + formKey + ':not(.webform-conditional-processed)');
$form.each(function (index, currentForm) {
var $currentForm = $(currentForm);
$currentForm.bind('change', {'settings': settings}, Drupal.webform.conditionalCheck);
// Trigger all the elements that cause conditionals on this form.
Drupal.webform.doConditions($currentForm, settings);
* Event handler to respond to field changes in a form.
* This event is bound to the entire form, not individual fields.
Drupal.webform.conditionalCheck = function (e) {
var $triggerElement = $(e.target).closest('.webform-component');
var $form = $triggerElement.closest('form');
var triggerElementKey = $triggerElement.attr('class').match(/webform-component--[^ ]+/)[0];
var settings = e.data.settings;
if (settings.sourceMap[triggerElementKey]) {
Drupal.webform.doConditions($form, settings);
* Processes all conditional.
Drupal.webform.doConditions = function ($form, settings) {
var stackPointer;
var resultStack;
* Initializes an execution stack for a conditional group's rules.
* Also initializes sub-conditional rules.
function executionStackInitialize(andor) {
stackPointer = -1;
resultStack = [];
* Starts a new subconditional for the given and/or operator.
function executionStackPush(andor) {
resultStack[++stackPointer] = {
results: [],
andor: andor,
* Adds a rule's result to the current sub-conditional.
function executionStackAccumulate(result) {
* Finishes a sub-conditional and adds the result to the parent stack frame.
function executionStackPop() {
// Calculate the and/or result.
var stackFrame = resultStack[stackPointer];
// Pop stack and protect against stack underflow.
stackPointer = Math.max(0, stackPointer - 1);
var $conditionalResults = stackFrame['results'];
var filteredResults = $.map($conditionalResults, function (val) {
return val ? val : null;
return stackFrame['andor'] === 'or'
? filteredResults.length > 0
: filteredResults.length === $conditionalResults.length;
// Track what has been set/hidden for each target component's elements.
// Hidden elements must be disabled because if they are required and don't
// have a value, they will prevent submission due to html5 validation.
// Each execution of the conditionals adds a temporary class
// webform-disabled-flag so that elements hidden or set can be disabled and
// also be prevented from being re-enabled by another conditional (such as a
// parent fieldset). After processing conditionals, this temporary class
// must be removed in preparation for the next execution of the
// conditionals.
$.each(settings.ruleGroups, function (rgid_key, rule_group) {
var ruleGroup = settings.ruleGroups[rgid_key];
// Perform the comparison callback and build the results for this group.
$.each(ruleGroup['rules'], function (m, rule) {
switch (rule['source_type']) {
case 'component':
var elementKey = rule['source'];
var element = $form.find('.' + elementKey)[0];
var existingValue = settings.values[elementKey] ? settings.values[elementKey] : null;
executionStackAccumulate(window['Drupal']['webform'][rule.callback](element, existingValue, rule['value']));
case 'conditional_start':
case 'conditional_end':
var conditionalResult = executionStackPop();
$.each(ruleGroup['actions'], function (aid, action) {
var $target = $form.find('.' + action['target']);
var actionResult = action['invert'] ? !conditionalResult : conditionalResult;
switch (action['action']) {
case 'show':
var changed = actionResult != Drupal.webform.isVisible($target);
if (actionResult) {
.webformProp('disabled', false);
else {
.addClass('webform-conditional-disabled webform-disabled-flag')
.webformProp('disabled', true);
if (changed && $target.is('tr')) {
case 'require':
var $requiredSpan = $target.find('.form-required, .form-optional').first();
if (actionResult != $requiredSpan.hasClass('form-required')) {
var $targetInputElements = $target.find("input:text,textarea,input[type='email'],select,input:radio,input:file");
// Rather than hide the required tag, remove it so that other
// jQuery can respond via Drupal behaviors.
.webformProp('required', actionResult)
.toggleClass('required', actionResult);
if (actionResult) {
else {
case 'set':
var $texts = $target.find("input:text,textarea,input[type='email']");
var $selects = $target.find('select,select option,input:radio,input:checkbox');
var $markups = $target.filter('.webform-component-markup');
if (actionResult) {
var multiple = $.map(action['argument'].split(','), $.trim);
.webformProp('disabled', true)
.webformProp('readonly', true)
// A special case is made for markup. It is sanitized with
// filter_xss_admin on the server. otherwise text() should be used
// to avoid an XSS vulnerability. text() however would preclude
// the use of tags like or .
else {
.webformProp('disabled', false);
.webformProp('readonly', false);
// Markup not set? Then restore original markup as provided in
// the attribute data-webform-markup.
$markups.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var original = $this.data('webform-markup');
if (original !== undefined) {
}); // End look on each action for one conditional.
}); // End loop on each conditional.
* Event handler to prevent propagation of events.
* Typically click for disabling radio and checkboxes.
Drupal.webform.stopEvent = function () {
return false;
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorStringEqual = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var returnValue = false;
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.stringValue(element, existingValue);
$.each(currentValue, function (n, value) {
if (value.toLowerCase() === ruleValue.toLowerCase()) {
returnValue = true;
return false; // break.
return returnValue;
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorStringNotEqual = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var found = false;
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.stringValue(element, existingValue);
$.each(currentValue, function (n, value) {
if (value.toLowerCase() === ruleValue.toLowerCase()) {
found = true;
return !found;
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorStringContains = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var returnValue = false;
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.stringValue(element, existingValue);
$.each(currentValue, function (n, value) {
if (value.toLowerCase().indexOf(ruleValue.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
returnValue = true;
return false; // break.
return returnValue;
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorStringDoesNotContain = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var found = false;
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.stringValue(element, existingValue);
$.each(currentValue, function (n, value) {
if (value.toLowerCase().indexOf(ruleValue.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
found = true;
return !found;
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorStringBeginsWith = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var returnValue = false;
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.stringValue(element, existingValue);
$.each(currentValue, function (n, value) {
if (value.toLowerCase().indexOf(ruleValue.toLowerCase()) === 0) {
returnValue = true;
return false; // break.
return returnValue;
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorStringEndsWith = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var returnValue = false;
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.stringValue(element, existingValue);
$.each(currentValue, function (n, value) {
if (value.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(ruleValue.toLowerCase()) === value.length - ruleValue.length) {
returnValue = true;
return false; // break.
return returnValue;
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorStringEmpty = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.stringValue(element, existingValue);
var returnValue = true;
$.each(currentValue, function (n, value) {
if (value !== '') {
returnValue = false;
return false; // break.
return returnValue;
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorStringNotEmpty = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
return !Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorStringEmpty(element, existingValue, ruleValue);
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorSelectGreaterThan = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.stringValue(element, existingValue);
return Drupal.webform.compare_select(currentValue[0], ruleValue, element) > 0;
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorSelectGreaterThanEqual = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.stringValue(element, existingValue);
var comparison = Drupal.webform.compare_select(currentValue[0], ruleValue, element);
return comparison > 0 || comparison === 0;
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorSelectLessThan = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.stringValue(element, existingValue);
return Drupal.webform.compare_select(currentValue[0], ruleValue, element) < 0;
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorSelectLessThanEqual = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.stringValue(element, existingValue);
var comparison = Drupal.webform.compare_select(currentValue[0], ruleValue, element);
return comparison < 0 || comparison === 0;
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorNumericEqual = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
// See float comparison: http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.float.php
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.stringValue(element, existingValue);
var epsilon = 0.000001;
// An empty string does not match any number.
return currentValue[0] === '' ? false : (Math.abs(parseFloat(currentValue[0]) - parseFloat(ruleValue)) < epsilon);
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorNumericNotEqual = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
// See float comparison: http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.float.php
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.stringValue(element, existingValue);
var epsilon = 0.000001;
// An empty string does not match any number.
return currentValue[0] === '' ? true : (Math.abs(parseFloat(currentValue[0]) - parseFloat(ruleValue)) >= epsilon);
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorNumericGreaterThan = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.stringValue(element, existingValue);
return parseFloat(currentValue[0]) > parseFloat(ruleValue);
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorNumericGreaterThanEqual = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
return Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorNumericGreaterThan(element, existingValue, ruleValue) ||
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorNumericEqual(element, existingValue, ruleValue);
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorNumericLessThan = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.stringValue(element, existingValue);
return parseFloat(currentValue[0]) < parseFloat(ruleValue);
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorNumericLessThanEqual = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
return Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorNumericLessThan(element, existingValue, ruleValue) ||
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorNumericEqual(element, existingValue, ruleValue);
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorDateEqual = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.dateValue(element, existingValue);
return currentValue === ruleValue;
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorDateNotEqual = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
return !Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorDateEqual(element, existingValue, ruleValue);
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorDateBefore = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.dateValue(element, existingValue);
return (currentValue !== false) && currentValue < ruleValue;
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorDateBeforeEqual = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.dateValue(element, existingValue);
return (currentValue !== false) && (currentValue < ruleValue || currentValue === ruleValue);
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorDateAfter = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.dateValue(element, existingValue);
return (currentValue !== false) && currentValue > ruleValue;
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorDateAfterEqual = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.dateValue(element, existingValue);
return (currentValue !== false) && (currentValue > ruleValue || currentValue === ruleValue);
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorTimeEqual = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.timeValue(element, existingValue);
return currentValue === ruleValue;
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorTimeNotEqual = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
return !Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorTimeEqual(element, existingValue, ruleValue);
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorTimeBefore = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
// Date and time operators intentionally exclusive for "before".
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.timeValue(element, existingValue);
return (currentValue !== false) && (currentValue < ruleValue);
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorTimeBeforeEqual = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
// Date and time operators intentionally exclusive for "before".
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.timeValue(element, existingValue);
return (currentValue !== false) && (currentValue < ruleValue || currentValue === ruleValue);
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorTimeAfter = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
// Date and time operators intentionally inclusive for "after".
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.timeValue(element, existingValue);
return (currentValue !== false) && (currentValue > ruleValue);
Drupal.webform.conditionalOperatorTimeAfterEqual = function (element, existingValue, ruleValue) {
// Date and time operators intentionally inclusive for "after".
var currentValue = Drupal.webform.timeValue(element, existingValue);
return (currentValue !== false) && (currentValue > ruleValue || currentValue === ruleValue);
* Utility function to compare values of a select component.
* @param string a
* First select option key to compare
* @param string b
* Second select option key to compare
* @param array options
* Associative array where the a and b are within the keys
* @return integer based upon position of $a and $b in $options
* -N if $a above (<) $b
* 0 if $a = $b
* +N if $a is below (>) $b
Drupal.webform.compare_select = function (a, b, element) {
var optionList = [];
$('option,input:radio,input:checkbox', element).each(function () {
var a_position = optionList.indexOf(a);
var b_position = optionList.indexOf(b);
return (a_position < 0 || b_position < 0) ? null : a_position - b_position;
* Utility to return current visibility.
* Uses actual visibility, except for hidden components which use the applied
* disabled class.
Drupal.webform.isVisible = function ($element) {
return $element.hasClass('webform-component-hidden')
? !$element.find('input').first().hasClass('webform-conditional-disabled')
: $element.closest('.webform-conditional-hidden').length == 0;
* Function to get a string value from a select/radios/text/etc. field.
Drupal.webform.stringValue = function (element, existingValue) {
var value = [];
if (element) {
var $element = $(element);
if (Drupal.webform.isVisible($element)) {
// Checkboxes and radios.
$element.find('input[type=checkbox]:checked,input[type=radio]:checked').each(function () {
// Select lists.
if (!value.length) {
var selectValue = $element.find('select').val();
if (selectValue) {
if ($.isArray(selectValue)) {
value = selectValue;
else {
// Simple text fields. This check is done last so that the select list
// in select-or-other fields comes before the "other" text field.
if (!value.length) {
$element.find('input:not([type=checkbox],[type=radio]),textarea').each(function () {
else {
switch ($.type(existingValue)) {
case 'array':
value = existingValue;
case 'string':
return value;
* Utility function to calculate a second-based timestamp from a time field.
Drupal.webform.dateValue = function (element, existingValue) {
var value = false;
if (element) {
var $element = $(element);
if (Drupal.webform.isVisible($element)) {
var day = $element.find('[name*=day]').val();
var month = $element.find('[name*=month]').val();
var year = $element.find('[name*=year]').val();
// Months are 0 indexed in JavaScript.
if (month) {
if (year !== '' && month !== '' && day !== '') {
value = Date.UTC(year, month, day) / 1000;
else {
if ($.type(existingValue) === 'array' && existingValue.length) {
existingValue = existingValue[0];
if ($.type(existingValue) === 'string') {
existingValue = existingValue.split('-');
if (existingValue.length === 3) {
value = Date.UTC(existingValue[0], existingValue[1], existingValue[2]) / 1000;
return value;
* Utility function to calculate a millisecond timestamp from a time field.
Drupal.webform.timeValue = function (element, existingValue) {
var value = false;
if (element) {
var $element = $(element);
if (Drupal.webform.isVisible($element)) {
var hour = $element.find('[name*=hour]').val();
var minute = $element.find('[name*=minute]').val();
var ampm = $element.find('[name*=ampm]:checked').val();
// Convert to integers if set.
hour = (hour === '') ? hour : parseInt(hour);
minute = (minute === '') ? minute : parseInt(minute);
if (hour !== '') {
hour = (hour < 12 && ampm == 'pm') ? hour + 12 : hour;
hour = (hour === 12 && ampm == 'am') ? 0 : hour;
if (hour !== '' && minute !== '') {
value = Date.UTC(1970, 0, 1, hour, minute) / 1000;
else {
if ($.type(existingValue) === 'array' && existingValue.length) {
existingValue = existingValue[0];
if ($.type(existingValue) === 'string') {
existingValue = existingValue.split(':');
if (existingValue.length >= 2) {
value = Date.UTC(1970, 0, 1, existingValue[0], existingValue[1]) / 1000;
return value;
* Make a prop shim for jQuery < 1.9.
$.fn.webformProp = $.fn.webformProp || function (name, value) {
if (value) {
return $.fn.prop ? this.prop(name, true) : this.attr(name, true);
else {
return $.fn.prop ? this.prop(name, false) : this.removeAttr(name);
* Make a multi-valued val() function.
* This is for setting checkboxes, radios, and select elements.
$.fn.webformVal = function (values) {
this.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var value = $this.val();
var on = $.inArray($this.val(), values) != -1;
if (this.nodeName == 'OPTION') {
$this.webformProp('selected', on ? value : false);
else {
$this.val(on ? [value] : false);
return this;
* Given a table's DOM element, restripe the odd/even classes.
Drupal.webform.restripeTable = function (table) {
// :even and :odd are reversed because jQuery counts from 0 and
// we count from 1, so we're out of sync.
// Match immediate children of the parent element to allow nesting.
$('> tbody > tr, > tr', table)